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2010.10--eForm++ Visualization Suite V15.01 Released! (New!)

eForm++ MFC Library Enterprise Edition V15.01

Form++ MFC Library Professional Edition V10.0 Released!

UCCDraw ActiveX Control V14.80 Released!

 Form++ MFC Professional Edition V10.0 Released,this is a major upgrade of Form++ Professional Edition.


 eForm++ Library Professional Edition V11.0 released.this version provide many new features,It's more powerful.

Links: Visual C++ Forum and Visual C++ Samples,  it also has  Visual C++ Examples, with Free C++ Source Code / Library designed with Graph Layout and FlowChart build with ilog, Gaugeship with Visual C++ Tutorials, Visual C++ Articleslike Codeguru, XD++ can work with Gis Source Code With bcgsoft, do same with addflow, and flowchartX and LeadTools's ePrint with Visual C++ Drawing Chart Component, and calendar With Visual C++ Printing, .net / activex component with nevron diagram, there is also Database /UML Diagram Component, and C++ UML Tool, also has Graph Drawing Tools, with Report Print  Component/ Print Preview Component. all by ucancode software, ships with 100% source codes. E-XD++ had full tested with Prof-Uis and Xtreme ToolKit. The best tool for Code C++ and GUI Development, UCanCode website is also the leading Visual C++ Resource website and VC++ mfc Faq, we are leading C# Example Source Code. It also with Syncfusion Diagram .net Component Like ODBC Database. and Visual C++, With C++ Tools, and with diagramming activex control, do with Visio Draw
Other Links: Printing Drawing ActiveX Control, and Network diagram component, with GIS Map Component Esri ArcGis and GoDiagram, it contains Dashboard Gauge Diagram Component solution and Org Chart Component, with Business process diagram Component, E-XD++ also has Electronic Form Software Component. This website is also a good VC++ Programming Site. New talk on MFC Programming and MFC Gui Tool. XD++ Can be used to build Database Diagramming Tool Software and Circuit Electrical Diagram Component, and VC++ Tutorial /Database Print and CAD Component, Leading C++ Blogs and C++ Development Tool, and Vector Graphics Toolkit and Framework, also with Free vc++ draw print gdi example and GDI Tutorial. World Leading Visual C++ Tutorial and c# Tutorial, and it also has Circult draw tool. It can be used for building Processs Control & Real - time Component.

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