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As mentioned already, a tree list is meant to display items in a list driven by a root and followed by one or more leaves. The items are mainly made of text. Optionally, to display a check box on the left side of the text, set the Check Boxes property to True or add the TVS_CHECKBOXES style (if you are using MSVC 6 and you had added the Tree Control button to the form or dialog box, open the resource file as text and manually add this style because it may not be available on the Properties window).

To guide the user with the tree items, the control uses tool tips. If you will need access to the information stored in tool tips, set the Info Tip property to True or add the TVS_INFOTIP style. If you do not want to display tool tips, set the Tool Tips property to False or create it with the TVS_NOTOOLTIPS style.

When a node has children or leaves, to show this, you may want to display lines connecting these relationships. To do this at design time, set the Has Lines property to True.

If you are programmatically creating the control and you want to display lines among related nodes, add the TVS_HASLINES style. 

A node that has dependent children can display or hides them. To display its leaves, a node must be expanded. To hide its leaves, a node must collapse. These operations must be obvious to the user but something should indicate whether a node has dependent or not. This can be illustrated by a button that accompany such a node. To add these buttons to the control, at design time, set the Has Buttons property to True. This is equivalent to dynamically creating a tree list with the TVS_HASBUTTONS style
Unless you have a reason to do otherwise, it is usually a good idea to combine both the Has Buttons (or TVS_HASBUTTONS) and the Has Lines (or TVS_HASLINES) styles:

To show which item is the root, or which items play the roles of roots, of the tree list, you can display a line from the root(s) to the child(ren). To do this, at design time, set the Lines At Root property to True or add the TVS_LINESATROOT style. The line from the root(s) to to the child(ren) can display only if the control has the Has Lines property set to True or the TVS_HASLINES style.

When using the list, the user typically selects an item by clicking it. If you want the mouse cursor to turn into a pointer finger and to underline the item when the mouse is over the node, set the Track Select property to True or create the control with the TVS_TRACKSELECT style.

Once the mouse pointer is on top of the desired item, the user can click to select it.

When the user clicks another control or another application, the node that was selected would lose its selection as the tree control would have lost focus. If you want the tree to always show the selected item even if the control loses focus, set its Show Selection Always property to True or create the control with the TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS style.

Besides selecting an item, when a node has children, to expand it, the user can double-click the node or click its button if available. Simply selecting the node does not expand it. If you want the selected node to automatically expand without the user having to double-click or click its button, set its Single Expand property to True or create it with the TVS_SINGLEEXPAND style.

When the items of a tree control display or when the nodes expand, they may span beyond the allocated rectangle of the control. When this happens, a vertical and/or a horizontal scroll bars may automatically display. This is because, by default, the Scroll property is set to True. If you do not want any scroll bar, set the Scroll property to False or create the control with the TVS_NOSCROLL style.

Another operation the user can perform on a node consists of changing its text. If you want to allow this, set the control’s Edit Labels to True or add the TVS_EDITLABELS style to it.

A user can be allowed to add items to the list by drag-n-drop operations. If you want to prevent this, set the Disable Drag Drop property to True or create the control with the TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP style.

  Next->Tree Control With Expand node, SetImageList, InsertItem, NM_CLICK, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING


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