Can Make Your Project Successful !
MFC/Report Design Component Enterprise Edition is the the world’s
leading MFC/VC++ visualization component (Report
Print Component). Renowned for incredibly
rich graphics, E-XD++ Report Print
Component helps developers build applications that offer
unparalleled functionality.
E-XD++ is the best component
for report print, it is the best
component to build any Report Writer
or Report Designer, as below:
Basic working mode
of eXD++ report print solution:

is used for creating blank form template. With the help of E-XD++
professional edition, FormDesigner provides many components
which can be used directly for form creation. You can use these components
for creating basic report form
template. it is much like report designer,
FormDesigner is designed so that people can design
report form template easily and
quickly. When a report form
template is created, you can use it in three ways: printing,
filling directly, or save it as a .efm file and send it to others so
that they can fill and print the report form
reader using FormReader (It is much like Report Viewer).

Writer is below:

FormReader-- is
an professional independent report form
filling system. You can download report
form template designed by Form Report
Designer from anywhere of the world, fill the form using
this system, and print the
filled form or send it to others by email. Logs for form filling
will be saved to database directly, and can be searched later.

The following is the report

What's more, electrical
form report system can
contain single page or multi pages. It can be a SDI application or a
MDI application. The 100% c++ source codes of
this report system is shipped
with full edition.
The leader in visualization component --
FULL VC++ Source Code Shipped!
XD++ Diagrammer Suite is the the
world’s leading VC++ and .NET visualization component. Renowned for
incredibly rich graphics, XD++ helps thousands developers build
applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding
productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches.
With 20 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads
the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding
customer support.
Business Card / Label
Print Component
Source Codes
Drawing Spline
application with OpenGL with sample Source Code
Draw, Print and encode UPCA barcode
and UPCE barcode, and EAN13 barcode
with VC++ Codes
Visual C++ Article:
free image library
image viewer with
CxImage and CListCtrl
thumbnail images
Multiple Views layout of
RepositionBars and DeferWindowPos with
RecalcLayout and UpdateAllViews
Diagram Component / Drawing C++ Source Code Solution
from UCanCode,
it will save you 50% - 80% time for building any UML based
Full tested with
Visual C++.net 2002, and
Visual C++ .net 2003, Visual C++ .net 2005.
UCanCode Advance E-XD++
CAD Drawing and Printing Solution
Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released!
UCanCode Advance E-XD++
HMI & SCADA Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released!
Advance E-XD++ GIS SVG Drawing and Printing Solution
Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released! |