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MFC Example: Docking CSizingControlBar Windows inside ActiveX Control with CFrameWnd and SetTimer



A client recently ucancode.neted me for a component that could be used in a Win32 application, as well as embedded in a web page. My solution was to write an ActiveX control that I could embed in a CDialog for the Win32 app and use the <OBJECT> tag in IE to embed the control in a web page. When they ucancode.neted me if I could do docking windows like in Visual Studio.

There was one problem, though - the docking code relied on having a CFrameWnd to dock to. I made the assumption that CFrameWnd could only be a top-level window with a title bar, but that turns out not to be true. CFrameWnd can be created with the WS_CHILD style, rather than WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW (the default) and you can make it a child of any other window, including an ActiveX control!

The result is a control that allows you to have docking windows, even inside Internet Explorer. I've included and HTML file called index.htm to illustrate this, which you can open in IE after building the control.

Additionally, I have also figured out how to embed ActiveX controls in the docking windows themselves, so you can now have ActiveX controls inside ActiveX controls, etc. My example code uses the ActiveMovie control.

Here�s what you need to do:

  1. derive your own class from CFrameWnd (ie. CEmbeddedFrame)

  2. derive a class from the docking window code (I used Cristi Posea�s CMyBar as a basis). I called it CDockingWnd.

  3. create a member variable in the control of your frame class
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    CEmbeddedFrame m_Frame;
  4. call Create() on the frame in the OnCreate() override of your control.
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    int CDockCtrlCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
        if (COleControl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
            return -1;
        CRect r( 0, 0, 100, 100 );
        if( !m_Frame.Create( NULL,                 /// use CFrameWnd default
                             _T("Embedded Frame"),
                             WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | 
                             WS_CLIPCHILDREN,  /// NOT WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW
                             NULL ) )
            TRACE( "**** Creation of embedded frame failed\n" );
            return -1;
        return 0;
  5. Add member variables to the frame for the client area object and the docking window
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    CEdit 	         m_wndClient;
    CDockingWnd       m_wndDockingWnd;
  6. In OnCreate() of the frame control, create the docking window and any other client-area controls you need, then dock the docking windows as you see fit.
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    int CEmbeddedFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
        if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
             return -1;
        /// The regular CMainFrame in the doc-view MFC
        /// apps receive WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI messages from the
        /// CWinThread::OnIdle(), and calls RecalcLayout if the idleLayout
        /// flag was set by a previous call to DelayRecalcLayout(). Since an
        /// ActiveX control doesn't have this mechanism, I have to fake it
        /// (my thanks to Cristi for this fix).
        SetTimer(0, 100, NULL);
        /// create an edit control within the frame so there's something 
        /// interesting in there...
        m_wndClient.Create( WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD, 
                            AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST );
        m_wndClient.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
        /// older versions of Windows* (NT 3.51 for instance)
        /// fail with DEFAULT_GUI_FONT
        if (!m_font.CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))
        if (!m_font.CreatePointFont(80, "MS Sans Serif"))
            return -1;
            _T( "This window is a child of the frame." ) );
        /// Create the docking window and dock it into the frame...
        if (!m_wndDockingWnd.Create(_T("Docking Window"), this,
            TRACE0( "Failed to create Docking Windown" );
            return -1;      // fail to create
        /// styles suggested by Cristi Posea.
        m_wndDockingWnd.SetBarStyle(m_wndDockingWnd.GetBarStyle() |
        /// Use CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT | CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT to only dock on sides,
        /// CBRS_ALIGN_TOP | CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM to only dock on top and bottom
        /// from Cristi Posea's documentation
        m_pFloatingFrameClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CSCBMiniDockFrameWnd);
        /// Use CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT | CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT to only dock on sides,
        /// CBRS_ALIGN_TOP | CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM to only dock on top and bottom
        /// Actually dock it into the frame, otherwise it'll float.
        DockControlBar(&m_wndDockingWnd, AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT);
        return 0;
  7. In the OnCreate() handler of your docking window, create the control(s) you want to be children of the docking window. My sample code shows how to create a simple edit control or how to embed ActiveX controls in your docking window.
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    int CDockingWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 
        if (baseCDockingWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
            return -1;
    #ifdef _USE_EDIT_CTRL_  
        if (!m_wndChild.Create( WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|
                                IDC_FRAME_EDIT) )
            return -1;
        m_wndChild.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
        /// older versions of Windows* (NT 3.51 for instance)
        /// fail with DEFAULT_GUI_FONT
        if (!m_font.CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))
            if (!m_font.CreatePointFont(80, "MS Sans Serif"))
                return -1;
            _T( "This docking window is embedded in the control" ) );
    #else  //  _USE_ACTIVE_MOVIE_CTRL_
        /// You need the following call to allow your control to contain 
        /// other controls, like the ActiveMovie control. This is the secret
        /// to getting the docking windows to contain ActiveX controls. The
        /// rest is easy...
        /// Actually get the CWnd object to instantiate an active movie
        /// control for you
        if( !m_AMControl.CreateControl( _T("AMOVIE.ActiveMovie Control.2"), 
                                        _T("Active Movie Ctrl"), 
                                        WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 
                                        CRect(0,0, 50, 50),
                                        IDC_ACTIVE_MOVIE_CTRL ) )
            TRACE( "Unable to create Active Movie control. "
                    "GetLastError() == %dn", GetLastError() );
            return -1;
        /// Get the IUnknown of the control so I can QI the IMediaPlayer
        /// interface. See MSDXM.TLH for the interface definition.
        IUnknownPtr pUnk = m_AMControl.GetControlUnknown();
        if( pUnk )
            pUnk->QueryInterface( IID_IMediaPlayer,
                                  (void**)&m_pMediaPlayer );
            /// If the QI worked
            if( m_pMediaPlayer )
            /// Try to open a sample file. This could be a URL on the web.
            /// This particular clip is a picture of my little girl, Brianna
            if( SUCCEEDED( m_pMediaPlayer->Open( L".\brianna.mpg" ) ) )
                m_pMediaPlayer->put_EnableContextMenu( TRUE );
    #endif  // _USE_ACTIVE_MOVIE_CTRL_
        return 0;
  8. In your control�s OnSize() handler, make CEmbeddedFrame as big as the window (of course, you don�t have to, but I will make this assumption here).
  9. You also have to simulate the WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI behavior that the MFC doc-view architecture gives you. This is the mechanism in doc-view that updates the state of toolbar buttons and deletes temporary objects from memory when the app isn't busy. The docking window code uses a lot of calls to DelayRecalcLayout(), where the RecalcLayout() call for the CMiniFrameWnd of the docking window is deferred until idle processing. If you don't do this, the frame and the control will not get updated properly. In the ActiveX control, we fake it with the timer we set in CEmbeddedFrame::OnCreate(). Again, I wish to thank Cristi for his help on this behavior.
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    void CEmbeddedFrame::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
        if (nIDEvent != 0)
        if (m_hWnd != NULL)
            if (m_nShowDelay == SW_HIDE)
            if (IsWindowVisible() || m_nShowDelay >= 0) 
                AfxCallWndProc(this, m_hWnd,
                               WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0); 
                SendMessageToDescendants( WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, 
            if (m_nShowDelay > SW_HIDE) 
            m_nShowDelay = -1; 
            // send WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI to the floating miniframes 
            POSITION pos = m_listControlBars.GetHeadPosition(); 
            while (pos != NULL) 
                CControlBar* pBar =
                    (CControlBar*) m_listControlBars.GetNext(pos); 
                ASSERT(pBar != NULL); 
                // skip if not created yet or if it is not a floating CDockBar
                if (pBar->m_hWnd == NULL ||
                    pBar->GetDlgCtrlID() != AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_FLOAT) 
                CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = pBar->GetParentFrame(); 
                if (pFrameWnd->m_hWnd != NULL && pFrameWnd != this) 
                    if (pFrameWnd->m_nShowDelay == SW_HIDE) 
                    if (pFrameWnd->IsWindowVisible() 
                          || pFrameWnd->m_nShowDelay >= 0) 
                        AfxCallWndProc(pFrameWnd, pFrameWnd->m_hWnd, 
                                       WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0); 
                            (WPARAM)TRUE, 0, 
                            TRUE, TRUE); 
                    if (pFrameWnd->m_nShowDelay > SW_HIDE) 
                    pFrameWnd->m_nShowDelay  = -1; 
            // find if the top level parent is the active window 
            bool bActive = (GetTopLevelParent() == GetForegroundWindow()); 
            if (bActive != m_bActive) 
                // notify the floating miniframes of state change 
                NotifyFloatingWindows(bActive ? FS_ACTIVATE : FS_DEACTIVATE); 
                m_bActive = bActive; 

If you have any questions on embedding docking windows inside ActiveX controls.




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