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E-XD++Visual C++/ MFC Products
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Electronic Form Solution
Visualization & HMI Solution
Power system HMI Solution
CAD Drawing and Printing Solution

Bar code labeling Solution
Workflow Solution

Coal industry HMI Solution
Instrumentation Gauge Solution

Report Printing Solution
Graphical modeling Solution
GIS mapping solution

Visio graphics solution
Industrial control SCADA &HMI Solution
BPM business process Solution

Industrial monitoring Solution
Flowchart and diagramming Solution
Organization Diagram Solution

Graphic editor Source Code
UML drawing editor Source Code
Map Diagramming Solution

Architectural Graphic Drawing Solution
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C / C++ Tools Links

Here are some useful add-in related C/C++ Tools links I've started collecting. This section is still very much under construction, and more C/C++ Tools links will be appearing in the future. If any link dies, please contact me.

Only the Best C/C++ Tools Website!
Print Controls, Print Component, Print Class Library, Graph Component, Graph Source Code, Diagramming Component, Diagramming MFC Source Code, Diagramming Controls, Diagramming Class Library, C++ Class Library, C++ Source Code, C++ Graph Library, C++ Controls,  C++ Extensions, C++ GUI ToolKits, Visual C++ Source Code, C++ Tools

Visual C++ Source Code, Visual C++ MFC,Visual C++ Controls,Visual C++ Class Library, Visual Extensions, Visual C++ Component, Visual C++ ToolKit, MFC Source Code, MFC Extensions, MFC Controls, MFC Class Library, MFC Component, MFC ToolKit,

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Product Tour
E-XD++ product walkthrough

Applications built on E-XD++

Product feature comparison

Powerful, flexible, and easy to use Diagram Components.
Powerful and flexible enough to create diagrams exactly the way you want them to appear. So easy to use that you will be able to prototype your application in just a few minutes.

Feature rich.
With features such as automatic layout, multiple layers, collapsible sub-graphs, snap-to connection points, XML, SVG, and more, E-XD++ Have the power and flexibility you need to create sophisticated diagrams, quickly and easily. Events such as click, double-click, hover, select, rubber-band select, copy, delete, resize and move are supported. Operations such as drag-and-drop, unlimited undo/redo, and clipboard operations are common and complex, and are expected by today's sophisticated users. it full supports importing ArcGis, SVG and DXF File format.

Performance and Scalability.
UCanCode E-XD++ Capable of handling many thousands of nodes and edges, up to hundreds of thousands depending upon the complexity of the nodes you wish to draw and the operations you wish to allow. Our graphical classes are extremely lightweight objects enabling outstanding performance.

Save Time and Money and gain Reliability.
A diagram is worth 1,000 words, and E-XD++ is shipped with more than 500,000 lines of well designed and well tested code! It is used by hundreds of the world's most quality conscious companies. It will saves you thousands of hours of complex coding and years of maintenance.

We Can Make Your Project Successful !

E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit Enterprise Edition  is the the world’s leading MFC/C++ visualization component. Renowned for incredibly rich graphics, E-XD++ helps developers build applications that offer unparalleled functionality. Outstanding productivity lowers project risk and reduces maintenance headaches. With 8 years of dedicated research and development, UCanCode leads the market for visualization technologies, providing outstanding customer support. with E-XD++ Enterprise you can easily build Visio 2003 like applications.


An easy-to-use MFC extension library that enables Windows developers to deliver their applications with a professional and user-friendly interface.
E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit Professional Edition is a MFC/C++ Tools for developing Microsoft Visio like interactive 2D graphics and diagramming applications. E-XD++ stores graphical objects in a node (scene) graph and renders those objects onto the screen. E-XD++ product supports both vector and raster graphics on the drawing surface. E-XD++ includes all the features of XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition, it also includes many new important feature of Visio 2003 or Visio 2007.

Visual Extensions, Visual C++ Component, Visual C++ ToolKit, Controls ,Diagramming Class Library, 

Code Visual to Flowchart is an automatic code flowcharting software, It can convert source code to flowcharts diagram, supports Visio, Word, Excel, Powerpoint and BMP format .
XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition is an MFC extension library that allows you to create the most advanced user interface in the world. It combines easy of use and very powerful feature set implemented by highly customizable collection of MFC extension classes, The library core is built on our proprietary technology that enables us to implement such complicated and not-found-anywhere features like fully advanced User Interface and WYSIWYG design mode and much more.


Very Cool Software website!
UCCDraw ActiveX Control is an ActiveX control that allows creation and editing of Visio-style charts from within your application. Allows you to create flow charts, vector drawings, raster images and more with the ability to include hyperlinks and various shading and coloring effects. You can group objects together, include images and text, link them together and apply custom drawing effects to create charts similar to Microsoft Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW Free Downloads
Visual DocVizor C/C++ Tool allows developers to quickly visualize and document the class structure of C++ code by generating a color-keyed diagram of a project's class hierarchy. DocVizor can automatic generate html files with the class information, and even generate a whole html help project file for you . Produce class-level documentation by exporting the class hierarchy for each individual class as a graphics file. You can paste the graphics files into reports, system documentation, and even web pages. VC++ Example Capture Print Screen to Clipboard including dropdown menu, SetWindowsHookEx and UnhookWindowsHookEx, with RegisterWindowMessage
  SerialDownloads - freeware and shareware by subject categories  
XD++ MFC Library Standard Edition provides Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC)/Visual C++ developers with a complete library of MFC extension classes which implement a drag and drop (e.g. Visio) graphical interface. These classes fill many of the holes existing in the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and allow developers to incorporate custom graphical objects and enhanced drawing capabilities into their applications. All of these classes fit seamlessly with MFC, and inherit many of MFC's existing classes. Easily give your application a new look in minutes!

Tricks, Tips, FAQs
Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ
CodeGuru FAQ
C++ FAQ Lite by Marshall Cline
CodeProject Forum FAQ
Codejock Free Source Code
Boob Moore's page (Win32, NT, MFC)
Edelmiro Fuentes's page
FAQ @ (RU)
Akzhan Site (RU)

Forums, newsgroups
CodeGuru Forum
RSDN Forum (RU)

Libs, Add-ons, Add-ins
ImageEn - Powerful imaging tool for Builder C++ and Delphi
Boost Libraries #1 for C++!
TinyXML - light yet powerful XML library. Forget about MSXML! :)
Whole Tomato Software: Code syntax highlighting
Compuware corporation: BoundsChecker, SoftICE etc.
STL Error Decryptor
UCanCode: XD++ MFC Class Library for Diagrams
Regular Expression Library

File formats

Win32 and HTML Help Development
Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
HTML Help Center
Web Design Group (

Books and Tutorials
Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel
C++ programming
Resources on the Web
SoftCraft (RU)
Free books to download (RU)

Official resources
Visual C++ Home

The Top
C/C++ Users Journal
First Steps (RU) (RU)

Disk File Systems

Serial Communication
Serial Communications in Win32, MSDN
CSerialPort - Serial Port Wrapper
COM port monitor
COM ports in Win32 (RU)

Application Development Articles
IBM Rational Library


WIN NT/2K Registry Tips
JSI Inc.

Inno Installer
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

Data Recovery
Data Recovery. Montreal, QC, Canada

Link to Links
Google Directory links
Softech Software Visual C++ source codes for Windows 2000/NT/XP/9x/ME/CE.
TFC MFC Library Gives you all the components your development team needs to display or select date and/or time values in any application. By including a Month calendar control, a Year calendar  control. TFC makes it easy to incorporate robust calendar features in your program's interface today. Your Resource
for C and C++ Programming Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
ToolBox is a free Product for all Visual Studio developer, it includes three tools.

1. ToolBox --- Replace all in files with any conditions as you asign. This tool searches for the conditions you supply and replaces it in all the files in the selected directory and it's subfolders. You can add as many conditions as you want.

2. ToolBox ---Rname an existing Microsoft Visual C++ project This tool help you rename an existing Visual Studio project. ToolBox uses an intelligent algorithm based on the project type to identify strings within the project files that contain the project name/filename,


3. ToolBox --- Backup an existing Microsoft Visual Studio Project. This tool help you backup an existing Microsoft Visual Studio Project.
All these tools are free without any charge, if you want learn more about ToolBox or download a free copy,


C++ Article STL Iterator and the VC++ MFC Iterator

2024.7, UCCVisio 2024 is Ready!

GIS and SCADA, SCADA Software With GIS, Real - Time Software with GIS, Source Code solution for C/C++, .NET

CDialogBar, CBitmapButton in Dialog Bar, SubclassDlgItem and EnableDocking VC++ Example

VC++ Example: splitter control in dialog UpdateWindow GetWindowRect GetDlgItem

VC++ Printing Article with Printing Text and Printing Table, Printing Jpg and Gif and PCX

VC++ Article: CListCtrl, CListView to displaying jpeg image thumbnails with PaintLib

GIS and GPS Mapping Software for .NET

C# Aircraft Instrument Control

C++ Chart Graph Library

C++ Blog

VC++ Example: Add VBScript and JScript support in VC++ applications with Script ActiveX Control MSSCRIPT.OCX

VC++ Example: Draw or display Real-time data plot Chart

VC++ Article: Calculate the width of text with GetTextExtentPoint32, DT_CALCRECT and GetCharABCWidths

.NET Article: Draw 2d and 3d text with GDI+, and Draw Shadow text and  Emboss text with Visual C++ Source Codes

OpenGL Line draw, 2D Graphics, and Render Article and Samples Code

VC++ Ado Tutorial with VC++ Ado Sample and VC++ Ado Example

MFC visualisation software: Create and draw Thumbnail View with CWinApp and CDocTemplate and CMultiDocTemplate

OPC Client, OPC Server and OPC Component in C++ Source Code

C++ XML Parser

.NET HMI & SCADA Solution.

WPF 3D Article, Tutorial with Chart Graphics C# Code

VC++ Converting ANSI to Unicode with _MSC_VER, MBCS, Multiple Byte

MFC Sample: Display or Create Splash Screen, Show Transparent Bitmap with SetWindowRgn

Play MP3 File and MP3 Palyer with Visual C++ Source Codes


High-speed Charting Control, Real Time Chart, Data Visualization, C# Source Code

Screen Capture , to Clipboard, C++ Source Code, Get bitmap of Window

Real Time Graph Control, Plot ActiveX Control with Visual C++

Database Programming with C/C++, with mySQL

OpenGL printing and Print Preview with Visual C++

Call JavaScript from Visual C++ and MFC, Article and Example

MS Chart Control with VC++

.NET HMI Control Solution.

Draw or Paint Spline Curve Line with VC++ Source Code

Real Time Wave Sine Square Triangle Signal Generator with C# Source Code

MFC Example: CoInitializeEx and SHBrowseForFolder  with file folder browser

AfxGetStaticModuleState and LoadLibrary of GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary MFC ARTICLE with LOAD DLL

Spell Checker with VC++ Source Codes and CStringArray with TrimLeft, TrimRight and CompareNoCase CWaitCursor

VC++ Article: CTreeCtrl and GetRootItem, GetItemRect and GetNextItem with Printing Tree View and CreateBitmap

MFC Extension DLL with AFX_EXT_CLASS

VC++ Code: Drag and Drop File in Dialog with WM_DROPFILES and WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN

C++ Barcode source codes with draw Code39 Code93 AND Code128A  Code128B with Code128C

MFC Library Article: Create Database with SQL Server and ADO Stored Procedures

3D font OpenGL ActiveX Control with Visual C++ Source Code

Visual C++ Article: free image library with image viewer with CxImage and CListCtrl thumbnail images

VC++ Code: Change the font of window with SetFont and EnumChildWindows and CreateIconFromResource

VC++ Sample: ExtSelectClipRgn or IntersectClipRect, ExcludeClipRect and OffsetClipRgn or GetMetaRgn with InvalidateRect

VC++ Codes: Draw text along line and draw rotate text

Add Phthon in or into C++ Application with Visual C++ Article or Tutorial Source Code

MFC Example: CreateFile and WriteFile with save memory dc to bitmap file

Draw, Print and encode UPCA barcode and UPCE barcode, and EAN13 barcode with VC++ Codes

VC++ Article: UnrealizeObject and SetBrushOrg or GetSystemMetrics with Pattern Brush

LoadResource FindResource and LockResource, with UnlockResource or VC++ Sample

VC++ Example: Read font from file name, TTF Font name CFile and Open

Drawing Graphics with DirectDraw, Double Buffer Drawing with MFC

VC++ Example: Load or Save Dib Bitmap File, GetScrollPosition and FillRgn or CombineRgn and Create Cursor

Create Multiple Language to MFC Extension DLL Toolkit with Resource only

MFC Example Multiple monitor support with GetSystemMetrics EnumDisplayMonitors and GetMonitorInfo

MFC Example Retrieve color from desktop with CreateDC and GetCursorPos, GetPixel

Converter Convert RTF to HTML with VC++ Source Codes, and RICHED32.DLL

CAD Control and ActiveX Software Example (Free Trial and 100% C++ Source Codes)


1 UCanCode Advance E-XD++ CAD Drawing and Printing Solution Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2024 is released!

2 UCanCode Advance E-XD++ HMI & SCADA Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2024 is released!

3 UCanCode Advance E-XD++ GIS SVG Drawing and Printing Solution Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2024 is released!

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