VC++ Controls: The Tree Control, CTreeCtrl Example
tree control is an object that displays a
hierarchical list of items arranged as a physical tree but
a little upside down. The items display in a parent-child
format to show those that belong to interrelated
categories, such as parent to child and child to
grandchild, etc; or folder to subfolder to file. Here is
an example of a tree
starting item of the tree is sometimes called the root and
represents the beginning of the tree. While most
tree list have one
root, it is not
unusual to have a tree list that has many roots, as long
as the tree creator judges it necessary. Here is an
item, including the root, that belongs to the tree is
referred to as a node. An item that belongs to, or depends
on, another can also be called a leaf.
of a Tree Control, Create MFC CTreeCtrl in dialog