Product Information:
only Flow/Diagramming Kits that provides full
source code of components for MFC and ActiveX
in a single package!"
What is E-XD++?
1). Visualization and HMI Toolkit
With Royalty-Free Vector
Graphics Engine -- 100% VC++ MFC Source
Codes shipped, OCX is also shipped with Web
or .net platforms.
UCanCode HMI & SCADA solution not only provides the
source code of the entire platform based on
C++, but also provides corresponding
controls, which will help you quickly deploy
HMI & SCADA solutions on other .net, c#, web
and other platforms. It used to be that you
could only use Intouch, Wincc, etc. to
deploy your HMI & SCADA applications, but
now E-XD++ even provides you with everything
including platforms and operators, allowing
you to become a platform like Intouch, WinCC.
E-XD++ Entprrise is an
extremely flexible and robust graphical
framework for building visual interfaces
that display real-time data, from Process
Control operator displays and HMI screens to
Traffic and Telemetry Monitoring displays
and Supply Chain visualizations. The Toolkit
includes dynamic Graphics Builder used to
create graphics interactively, either from
scratch or by selecting from a supplied
collection of pre-built components. The
dynamic behavior and data interfaces of
graphical objects are exposed to the
application on the logical level using the
mechanism of named resources and tags, which
frees the application from knowing the
low-level details of the underlying
graphics. With the help of the HMIBuilder +
HMIPlayer + HMI OCX, elaborate custom
graphics, from simple dashboards with graphs
and meters to complex visualizations and
custom HMI screens, may be created
interactively. The dynamic screens are
deployed on the application's web pages and
updated with real-time data. With full java
script + VBScript support.
E-XD++ HMI/SCADA Solution offers a robust
SCADA engine, rich set of connectivity
options, open architecture, and highly
scalable and distributed networking model.
Used in variety of diverse industries, it is
ideally suited for many applications -
ranging from typical HMI as simple as manual
data entry and validation to very complex
SCADA such as batch, filtration and
distributed alarm management.. The
architecture of E-XD++ HMI/SCADA Solution is
extremely flexible as it allows to program
all operator panels in the UCanCode range,
as well as develop supervision solutions for
small and medium plants.
Solution allows for the monitoring, over
time, of the value of any variable by means
of the data logging function. This function
displays the value trend of a variable, as
well as exporting the value chronology on
your screen.
. Multi -
structure recipes, means recipes that each
contain a number of different variables can
also be used.
. Rich object
library, E-XD++ HMI/SCADA Solution has a
rich library of objects (more than 2,000
kinds of shapes with fantastic graphical.
Such objects are divided by category and can
be easily placed in the screens by simply
dragging and dropping.
. VBScript/JavaScript with intellisense --
E-XD++ HMI/SCADA Solution offers a further
level of customized application with
VBScript or Javascript programming
language, allowing you to create your own
routines for managing the project elements
in an easy and intuitive way. Thanks to the
"intellisense" function, the user can access
a library of powerful functions
developed by UCanCode for its operator

(This is an Office Ribbon UI style
Visio-Like Sample, you can try it at
The source codes of this Ribbon Style
sample, can also be found with this
. Importing / Exporting with XML file
format, importing SVG file format.
. Project backup and restore.
. All the source codes are 100%
Visual C++/
MFC, with high performance.
. All the complete source codes will be
shipped with full edition without any
. With .NET
and web support.

E-XD++ HMI/SCADA Solution
is equipped
with a modern and complete interface, it
offers a wide functionality range in step
with the new requirements on the HMI market.
2). CAD
Drawing & Printing ToolKit
E-XD++ is an easy to program SDK component
that every developer need to easily create
and manage and print 2D CAD drawings in his
applications. Its objects are compatible
with most common vector formats and other
CAD objects. It full supports cad drawing
and printing, DXF loading. All of it's
source codes are shipped. UCanCode also
provides C++-based CAD drawing and operation
source codes, and other OCX-based
application solutions. These control-based
solutions can quickly integrate CAD
(editing, printing, viewing) in your .NET,
web and other applications...).

3). GIS & Database
E-XD++ full supports importing ArcGis's
shape file, and drawing and viewing on the
canvas, zooming, panning, database query,...
etc. With it's reporting feature, you can
export many kinds of report. All of it's
source codes are shipped.

4). BPM & Workflow
diagram ToolKit
E-XD++ has full features for drawing any
kind of BPM and workflow diagram and print
it, with it's layout feature, it will be
very easy for building a very professional
BPM & workflow application. BPMBuilder is a
IDE (100% source codes is shipped), with
this IDE, you can create workflow diagram
and design the electric form document. This
electric form document can be linked to
workflow graph node. By click on the node,
it will jump to and open this electric form.
EFormReader is an application that can open
the electric form document that is designed
with EFormDesigner or BPMBuilder, and then
the end user can use EFormReader to fill it
and upload data.

5). Vector Graphics
drawing and printing ToolKit
E-XD++ has full features for creating a very
professional flow diagramming applications.
With over 30 kinds of links supports, all
the features are designed from start to be
full compatible. All of it's complete (100%)
source codes are shipped. Full Microsoft
Visio look:

6). Barcode print,
HMI Report Designer and Printer, Others...

7). UML Visualization Source Code
Solution for C/C++, .NET

8). IEC61131 PLC Visualization and Simulation
Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET

9). ETAP Electric Power Simulation And
Visualization Source Code for C/C++, .NET

10). Dashboard and Gauge Components for C/C++,
