E-XD++ Enterprise Edition -- Product Information
Control and ActiveX
Software Example (Free
Trial and 100% VC++ Source Codes)

This example shows how to use E-XD++ in CAD
component and Control
application, including drawing
cad diagram from center, MM_HIMETRIC projecting mode, black background editing and customized
printing, vertexes auto-capturing, intersections, etc, as shown below:
- support multiple layers
- support import autocad's
DXF file.
- support measure distance
between a list of points.
- support measure area.
- support draw circle or
ellipse with two or three points.
- supports drawing multiple
kind of dimension shapes.
- Printing and preview.
- Export with jpeg or
bitmap file.
- Most important, it is
written with 100% VC++/MFC and ships it's full source codes.
- etc.

E-XD++ is the wrold leading C++
CAD Control Source Codes, and
UCanCode CAD ActiveX is the world leading CAD
ActiveX Control, it is used by
many CAD
Application in over 40 countries.
UCanCode CAD
is a CAD
ActiveX control to view and
edit 2D vector graphic.
CAD ActiveX Control
can utilizes the common AutoCAD DXF file format to
simultaneously load and save
to the database. Optimized for size and performance and could be
used to display graphic on web. Open interface allows
UCanCode CAD
from hosting application and to connect business logic and
events to the shapes.
UCanCode CAD
ActiveX could
be used to build Windows and web-based applications. Please
download and evaluate
UCanCode CAD
ActiveX Control
package. The package contains .NET C#,
Visual C++, Visual
Basic and Delphi
Full edition of
UCanCode CAD
ActiveX and
E-XD++ ships with 100% full C++ source
Key Features
- Shape Types
Draw and manipulate a
variety of shape types, including:
- Line
- Polyline
- Rectangle
- Arc
- Ellipse
- Text
- Bitmap
- Round Rectangle
- Grouping
Combine shapes to make a single shape, making organization
and copying easier.
- Layers
Customize the drawing layers, which can have their own
unique attributes, such as default shape color and how
shapes can be interacted with. Turn on/off layer visibility,
prevent shapes from being sized, and more.
- Internet Friendly
An installable server-side .CAB file allows the control
to run in a web page over client machines!
Works in Active Server Pages (ASP) as well!
- Transformation
Perform transformations at the layer or shape level,
- Rotate
- Scale
- Reflect
- Shear
- Power
Adapt virtually every aspect of the control to meet your
needs. Tailor the coordinate system. Respond to an
assortment of events. Display grid points for snapping and
aligning. Change brush and pen fill styles, patterns and
colors. Customize mouse pointers.
- Flexibility
As an ActiveX component
it can be used in any development environment that supports ActiveX
technology, including Visual Basic,
Delphi, Visual FoxPro,
and even Access.
- Shape Conversion
Convert many different shape types into polygons and
polylines for manipulation and compatibility!
- Rich Shape Information
Return data from layers, groups and shapes, including:
- Custom notes
- Number of elements
- Coordinates
- Area
1 UCanCode Advance E-XD++
CAD Drawing and Printing Solution
Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released!
UCanCode Advance E-XD++
HMI & SCADA Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released!
Advance E-XD++ GIS SVG Drawing and Printing Solution
Source Code Solution for C/C++, .NET V2025 is released!
Contact UCanCode Software
To buy the source code or learn more about with: